
These trees can also be found, with more detailed information on individuals, at Rootsweb Worldconnect King and Flood. Please visit these pages, as they contain details on the below.

These family trees contains the genealogy of over one hundred surnames.  Research has been compiled from a number of sources including census records, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, wills, deeds, cemetery records, Bibles, military records, letters, published/unpublished family genealogies, newspapers, and from other researchers.  Most of these families moved from Virginia (VA), North Carolina (NC) and South Carolina (SC) into Kentucky (KY) and Tennessee (TN).  Much of the lineage begins 1600 to 1700 when individuals settled in America arriving from countries such as England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands (Holland).  Their descendants and heirs created history in the new land; many becoming ministers, doctors, lawyers, judges, and politicians.

Clicking on a name will take you to the family page containing that name. To easily find the name you are looking for on that page, hit Ctrl F, type in the name, click find next.

If you have any questions or anything to add or correct, please contact me.