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Deeds (Original images of deeds, click on this link, or click on individual no. links below)
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Gallemore, Alexander
ALEXANDER GALLEMORE purchased 160 acres of land in Kentucky on 12 Jan. 1837, according to a land deed marked No. 6485.
Gallemore, William
North Carolina, November 7, 1791:
State of North Carolina, JAMES BRANDON Entry Officer of claims for Lands in the County of Rowan. To Mr. Lovelacey(?) of Said County Greeting. You are hereby required to lay off and survey for WILLIAM GALIMORE a tract of land lying in Rowan County on Flat Swamp joining PETER ___ including his own improvement. Observing the directions of the act of assembly in such case made and provided for ___ out lands two Just and fair plans of such Survey with a proper certificate Amassed to each together with this warrant you are to ___ to Mr. Lovelace's(?) office without delay. Given under my hand at Salisbury the seventh(?) day of November 1791. JAS BRANDON.
Rowan County, NC, Book 103, Page 45, November 7, 1791:
WILLIAM GALIMORE acquired 242 acres on the waters of Flat Swamp by Grant No. 2563 (or 2562) issued 7 June 1799, Entry No. 3279, Entered 7 Nov 1791.
North Carolina, Surveyors Record, July 29, 1799:
State of North Carolina By direction of Warrant No. ___ dated ___ Surveyed for WILLIAM GALIMORE a tract of land in Rowan County on the Waters of Flat Swamp Beginning at a Black Jack. THOMAS SURRAT's cornerstone with his line East six chains to a post and thence North seven chains and fifty links to a Stake on JOHN GALIMORE's line, thence along it West twenty chains to a Line thence North twenty west twenty five chains to a post and thence West four chains to a Black oak. PETER SUMEY's corner with his line South Sixteen chains and fifty links to a post oak thence West four chains and Seventy five links to a post oak thence South Seven chains and fifty links to a persimmon thence west fifteen chains to a Black oak on JAMES BRIGG's line thence South ___ty two chains and fifty links to a post oak on FREDERICK GOSS's line thence South Sixty four east ___ chain and fifty links to a post oak thence South seventy eight west five ___ and fifty links to a hickory thence South twenty seven east one chain and fifty links to a Spanish oak thence South four chains and fifty links to a Black oak on JOSEPH BRADY's line thence East twenty chains and fifty links to a Line on THOMAS SURRATT's ___ thence along the same to the Beginning containing two hundred and forty two acres. Surveyed July 29th 1799 by WM MOORE and signed twice by WM GALIMORE.
Ingram, Benjamin
Provincial Court Land Records, 1770-1774 (Maryland State Archives Website):
21 Nov 1770, BENJAMIN INGRAM of Baltimore Co, planter to CORBIN LEE of Baltimore Co and ROBERT ALEXANDER, Esq of Baltimore Co, 138 pounds, land called Michael's Chance, 100 acres. Signed BENJAMIN (B) INGRAM, CORBIN LEE, ROBT ALEXANDER. WIT: J BEALE HOWARD and JAS GITTINGS. 21 Nov 1770, BENJAMIN INGRAM acknowledged deed, wife SUSANNAH relinquished dower. Recorded 27 Apr 1771.
“The Heritage of Caswell County North Carolina” 1985, written by Jeannie D. Whitlow:
BENJAMIN INGRAM received a land grant October 13, 1783 for 640 acres on the waters of Rattlesnake creek. The records of Orange County and Caswell County do not show any land transaction for BENJAMIN before this date.
Ingram, Charlton Walton
Caswell County, NC, Deed Book O, page 20:
Oct. 1804
Jackson, Giles
Henry County, TN, Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1873-1878 GRANTOR: BOOTHE, W. B. (deed 81 acres) GRANTEE: GILES JACKSON, BOOK T, PAGE 720
Jackson, John Jr.
JOHN JACKSON deed can be found in Book B, page 245, Prince George County, VA.
Jackson, Mark
Bedford County, TN, Deed:
MARK JACKSON. Grantor, HAIRAM TUTMAN(?) Grantee, 1836, Book FF, Page 349
Henry County, TN Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1837-1841 Grantor: GUINN, DUKE A. (263 acres), Grantee: MARK JACKSON, Book F, Page 218
1846-1848 Grantor: CRAWFORD, JOHN W. (deed 175 acres), Grantee: MARK JACKSON, Book I, Page 363
1848-1851 Grantor: JACKSON, MARK (deed 263 acres), Grantee: JOHN W. CRAWFORD, Book J, Page 202
1853-1855 Grantor: JACKSON, MARK, Grantee: RALPH J. ALEXANDER, Book L, Page 296
1857-1860 Grantor: JACKSON, MARK (deed 17 Ùc acres), Grantee: ANN C. JACKSON, Book N, Page 117
1857-1860 Grantor: JACKSON, MARK (deed 100 acres), Grantee: ANDREW JACKSON, Book N, Page 576
1860-1865 Grantor: JACKSON, MARK (52 acres), Grantee: JEFFERSON ALEXANDER, Book O, Page 208
King, William “Billie”
Twenty acres of land in Ballard County, KY, now part of Carlisle County, on Solomon Dodson's corner, on the State Road, on Green Seas line; was sold by AUGUSTUS PUCKETT to W. KING on 9 Oct. 1856; who assigned the title bond to J. B. QUIGLEY.
Malone, Booth (John Malone & Booth Malone sons of George Malone)
25 Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 24, Page 157, September 13, 1815:
This Indenture made & entered into this 13th day of September one thousand eight hundred & fifteen between JOHN HOOPER of the county of Franklin & State of Georgia of the one part & JOHN INGRAM of the county of Brunswick & State of Virginia of the other part witnesseth that the said JOHN HOOPER for an inconsideration(?) of the sum of five hundred dollars money of the United States to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given & granted & by these presents do give grant sell
? ? & confirm unto the said John Ingram all the right & wills(?) which JOHN MALONE & BOOTH MALONE two of the sons of leggaters of GEORGE MALONE Decd. has to the land or may hereafter have that was left them in the will of GEORGE MALONE Decd. the said JOHN HOOPER hath sold all the right title & C’(?) which they the said JOHN & BOOTH MALONE has or may have in or to the lands & premises which they the said JOHN & BOOTH MALONE are or may of right be entitled to for an inconsideration(?) of the aforesaid sum. I(?) warrant & defend the right from every person & persons against himself or heirs forever. In witness whereof the said JOHN HOOPER hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & date first written.
signed sealed & delivered
in the presence of
Brunswick County Court office 14th September 1815 this indenture of bargain of sale between JOHN HOOPER of the one part & JOHN INGRAM of the other part was proved by the oath of WILLIS S. DAVIS a witness thereto and having been before proved by the oaths of JESSE C. FARRAR & JAMES MALONE also witnesses thereto was admitted to record according to law.
Malone, Daniel
From the book "Malone and Allied Families" by Randolph A. Malone, Second Edition, 1996, page 14-15:
On May 17, 1715 "a Price George Co. list of surveys was made by ROBERT BOLLING in which he reported for DANIEL MALONE 99 acres on both sides of Jones Hole Swamp and the Reedy Branch.'"
"Virgina Patent Book 10, p. 309, lists a grant to DANIEL MALONE for 99 acres on both sides of Jones Hole Swamp on 10-31-1716."
"on 6-5-1717 DANIEL MALLONE of Prince George County deeded to JOHN FITZGERALD of the same Co. 100 acres on the north side of Balis Creek near Frog Hole Mill in Bristol Parish."
Malone, George Booth
Deed Book 7, Page 167, July 29, 1762:
Indenture made the 29th day of July, 1762, between WILLIAM MELONE of Dinwiddie County, and GEORGE MELONE, for 5 shillings, conveying 1 Negro fellow TONEY, and one tract on North side of Taylors Creek, and being the same land granted to the said WM. MELONE by Letters of Patent. Signed by WILLIAM MELONE and ANN MALONE (her mark). Witnesses were SAMUEL MARSHALL, ROBERT BAILEY, and JOHN BAILEY. Indenture was proved in Court on August 23, 1762, by the oaths of the witnesses.
Below from "Malone and Allied Families", Second Edition, by Randolph A. Malone:
Brunswick County, Va. Deed Book 7, pg. 58-59, July 29, 1762:
WILLIAM MALONE of Dinwiddle County deeds to GEORGE MALONE of Brunswick Co. for 5 shillings a personality and acreage on the north side of Taylor's Creek, the same that was granted to the said WM. MALONE. Signed: WM and ANN MALONE. Wit: SAMUEL MARSHALL, ROBERT BAILEY, JOHN BAILEY.
Brunswick County, Va. Deed Book 7, pg. 167-168, July 29, 1762:
WILLIAM MALONE of Dinwiddle Co. deeds to GEORGE MALONE of Brunswick Co. for 5 shillings, "one Negro Fellow TONEY", and acreage on the north side of Taylor's Creek; the land on which he now lives having been granted to the said WILLIAM MALONE in Williamsburg. Signed: WILLIAM MALONE and ANN (X) MALONE. Wit: SAMUEL MARSHALL, ROBERT BAILEY, JOHN BAILEY.
Brunswick County, Va. Patent Book 41, pg. 378, June 15, 1773:
GEORGE MALONE granted 420 acres on a branch of Avents Creek and on Jeneto Creek adjoining Pennington, et al.
Brunswick Co., Va. Deed Book 24, pg. 157, Dated September 13, 1815, Recorded September 14, 1818:
JOHN HOOPER of Franklin Co., GA to John Ingram of Brunswick Co., VA for $500, all right and title which JOHN MALONE and BOOTH MALONE, two of the sons & legatees of GEORGE MALONE, dec'd, have to the land left them by will of said GEORGE MALONE.
Malone, Nathaniel Burwell
From "Malone and Allied Families", Second Edition, by Randolph A. Malone, p. 111-114:
"On 9-19-1721 he deeded to GEORGE BOOTH a 100 acre portion of [his] land on the south side of Sappony Creek, adjoining THOMAS THROWER. His wife MARRY (WYNNE) MALONE signed her release as well. The following month (10-18-1721) GEORGE BOOTH was granted an additional 850 acres adjacent to NATHANIEL MALONE on the southwest side of Stony Creek and on the north side of the Nottaway River, and on Sappony Creek adjacent to THOMAS THROWER."
"On 3-29-1721 a survey for both men [NATHANIEL MALONE and GEORGE BOOTH] reported that NATHANIEL MALONE and GEORGE BOOTH owned 300 acres together on both sides of Turkey Egg Creek."
Malone, William (b. 1703)
From "Malone and Allied Families", Second Edition, by Randolph A. Malone:
"Prince George Co. VA deed dated October 13, 1724 'Between WILLIAM TUCKER and ELLSA his Wife of Prince George County of the one part and WILLIAM MALLONE the Son of NATHANIEL MALLONE of Surry County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said WILLIAM TUCKER and ELLSA his Wife for and in consideration of the Sum of five Shillings . . .' deed to WILLIAM MALLONE 143 acres 'on the North Side of Stony Creek in the said County of Prince George.' The land was described: 'Beginning at a Holly on the Bank of the said Creek in the County Lines, thence East thirty degrees North two hundred poles to a corner, thence north five degrees West one hundred and twenty poles to a corner, thence west thirty degrees south two hundred and ten poles to Stony Creek, thence down the vanes as it meanders to the beginning.' Signed WM. (X) TUCKER and ELLSA (X) TUCKER. Wit. GEO. HAMELTON JUN., MICHAEL WALLS, LLTT. HARDYMAN"
"In 1739 WILLIAM MALONE began to amass property in nearby Brunswick Co., VA in St. Andrews Parish along the south side of the Meherrin River in the Taylor Creek vicinity. On March 26, 1739 he was patented 247 acres on Taylor's Creek. On June 16, 1744 he received an additional patent of 180 acres 'on the south side of Meherrin River.' A third patent was issued September 20, 1743 for 234 acres on the "south side of Taylor's Creek and both sides of Wolfpit Branch adjoining his own line.' His Brunswick Co., VA property was further added to on December 3, 1747 when he was deeded by JOHN EZELL 279 acres in St. Andrews Parish on the south side of the Meherrin River bounded by Taylor's Creek and the River. He held only a portion of the EZELL land making a 1748 deed of 139 acres of it to WILLIAM DAILEY of St. Andrews Parish."
"On July 6, 1745 WILLIAM MALONE added to his Stony Creek property, this time crossing the county line into Sury Co. as follows: 'JOSEPH TUCKER and wife MASSEY TUCKER of Bristol Parish in Prince George Co. to WILLIAM MALONE of the same for 130 current money, 100 acres in Albermarie Parish (being part of a tract) adjoining MAJ. ROBERT WYNNE, the county line, Beaver Pond Gutt to the Creek."
"WILLIAM MALONE and wife ANNEY of Bristol Parish, Dinwiddle Co." make a "1764 Brunswick Co., VA 'deed for affection to son REUBEN MALONE' which was witnessed by GEORGE MALONE."
"Similar deeds are found from WILLIAM and ANN MALONE to GEORGE MALONE in 1762 and also son-in-law DRURY ROBERTSON in 1767 and 1769."
To WILLIAM MALONE "a December 17, 1767 deed for 400 acres 'on the north side of Stony Creek bounded by Sellour's Branch, JOHN FREEMAN, the Dinwiddle Co. line and the Black Branch,' deeded by ROBERT WYNNE RAINES and wife JANE."
Marine, George Washington
Calloway County, KY, General Index to Deeds, Book 1, 1822-1867:
1842 PHILANDER YANDEL grantor to GEORGE W. MARINE grantee, land, $200, Jan. 26, book D, page359.
1855 G. W. MARINE grantor to P. HUGHES grantee, land, $1200, Apr. 13, book H, page 625.
Marine, Thomas Henderson
Calloway County, KY, General Index to Deeds, Book 2, 1867-1885:
28 Oct., 1873 – WASHINGTON BLACK grantor to THOMAS H. MARINE grantee, book R, page 382.
Minter, Cary
In 1829 a Quit Claim Deed, which was previously recorded in Sumner County, TN, was put on record in Chatham County, NC. This deed was signed by the heirs of CARY and MARGARET MINTER listed as: JEREMIAH, MARGARET (BRINKLEY), ELIZABETH, LITTLE BERRY, and FRANCIS.
Stith, John
From "The Stith Family - A Living History" by Charles R. Stith:
Dr. (Christopher Johnston of Baltimore, MD, 1856-19?) gives a historical and genealogical account of early VA Stiths:
"MAJOR JOHN STITH came to Virginia before 1656, and had a grant to himself and SAMUEL EALE, of 500 acres of land on the north side of James River, in Charles City County, 15th February, 1663 (VA, Land Records, Book 5, page 268). He also had grants of 550 acres 29th July, 1664, and 636 acres 11th May, 1675 (William and Mary Quarterly, X, 249; XIII., 121)"
Wyatt, John
JOHN WYATT bought two quarter sections of land located about one mile north-east of Backusburg. KY. They were NE Qr Sec 17 T3 R3E, and SW Qr Sec 15 T3 R3E.
Wynne, Capt. Thomas
"Virginia Historical Genealogies", by John Bennett Boddie, Pacific Coast Publishers, Redwood City, California, 1954 (as found on Google Books):
Page 175 "In 1701 he patented 200 acres on the south side of the Blackwater in Charles city (afterwards Prince George)." (sic) "In 1707, he and his wife AGNES deeded land in Surry to his son, ROBERT, and his daughter, MARY MALONE."
"Malone and Allied Families", Second Edition, by Randolph A. Malone and "Letters of Mrs. Lucile G. Pleasants" 1939 (Contains Names: Randolph, Malone and Flood), LDS Film #0446611:
He was a judge and was listed on the 1704 Quit Rent Rolls with 400 acres of land. In 1707, he is listed in a request for a survey on land on Cabin Shick Swamp on the south side of the Nottaway to determine whether the land was in Prince George or Surry Co.
Yates, Francis Marion
Henry County, TN Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1873-1878 Grantor: YATES, T. J. (22 acres), Grantee: F. M. YATES, Book T, Page 734
1873-1878 Grantor: MORROW, S. F., Grantee: F. M. YATES, Book T, Page 739
Yates, James Monroe
Henry County, TN Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1892-1893 Grantor: YATES. J. M., Grantee: J. J. COOPER, Book 2, Page 58
1897-1898 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife, Grantee: J. C. DANIEL, Book 5, Page 193
1898-99 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: G. D. BILBREY, Book 6, Page 365
1898-99 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: J. M. RAY, Jr., Book 6, Page 408
1898-99 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: J. M. RAY, Sr., Book 6, Page 410ÙCtabÙD
1898-99 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: Virgil HANKINS, Book 6, Page 615ÙCtabÙD
1898-99 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: D. M. NOBLES, Book 6, Page 730
1899-1901 Grantor: YATES, J. M. (1 lot), Grantee: G. D. BILBRY, Book 7, Page 401
1899-1901 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: J. W. ACLIN, Book 7, Page 510
1899-1901 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: R. H. MCVAY, Book 7, Page 532
1901-1902 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: C. A. LOVE, Book 8, Page 69
1901-1902 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: W. R. PEPPERS, Book 8, Page 689
1902-1905 Grantor: YATES, J. M. & wife (1 lot), Grantee: R. P. DIGGS, Book 9, Page 360
1905-1906 Grantor: YATES, J. M., Grantee: L. L. BOOTHE, Book 10, Page 394
1906-1908 Grantor: YATES, J. M. (1 lot), Grantee: J. G. MCCONNEL, Book 11, Page 56
1906-1908 Grantor: YATES, J. M. (1 lot), Grantee: J. W. ACLIN, Book 11, Page 203
Yates, Lloyd
Wake County, NC, Book Y, Pages 167-168, WM. EVANS to GEORGE BRASFIELD, 1810 (George Brasfield is Lloyd's brother-in-law)
This Indenture made this 22d day of January in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and ten by and between WILLIAM EVANS of the one part and GEORGE BRASFIELD of the other part, both of the County of Wake and State of No. Carolina. Witnesseth that the said WILLIAM EVANS, for and in consideration of the two hundred pounds, careful money of said State to him in hand paid by said GEORGE BRASFIELD the receipt whereof he hath hereby acknowledged, and by their presents have bargained, sold, enscoffed and confirmed unto him said GEORGE BRASFIELD, his heirs or assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in said County of Wake and bounded as follows - Beginning at a pine LOYD YATES corner on GILBERT EVANS line, thence West along his & HENRY(?) EVANS line, to a Spanish Oak in the part of little Creek, thence North crossing the two Creeks along the lines of JOHN MAY, CHARLES MAY and THOMAS EDWARDS to a black Jack ROBERT HALL’s corner, thence East along sd line to a pine said GEORGE BRASFIELD’s corner thence South corner down a D ash along his line to Lick Creek a Sugar tree, thence down the various courses of said Creek to a poplar, LOYD YATES corner, thence South to the beginning, containing by estimation Two hundred acres be the same more or less, with all and singular the rights, profits and privileges with the hereditaments and appurtenances or belonging unto him the said WILLIAM EVANS and he the said WILLIAM EVANS does agree and oblige himself his heirs or assigns that they will forever warrant and defend the above bargained land and premises unto him the said GEORGE BRASFIELD his heirs or assigns forever, upon the lawful claim challenges demand of all persons whatsoever, to have & to hold clear and free from all encumbrances whatsoever. In witness whereof he the said WM EVANS has hereunto set his hand, and seal the day & date first above written.
WM. EVANS (?X? his mark)
Signed Sealed & delivered
In presence of us
Wake County Augt. Session 1814
The within Deed was in Open Court duly proven, by the Oath of DAVID BRASFIELD a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be registered.
B. S. KING, C.C.
Registered in the Registers Office of Wake County in Book Y and Page 167 and 168 this 27th day of September 1814.
R. SMITH, Regr.
Yates / Yeates, Michael
Henry County, TN Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1831-1834 Grantor: YATES, MICHAEL, Grantee: C. M. WHITE, Book D, Page 347
1831-1834 Grantor: YATES, MICHAEL, Grantee: G. W. WRIGHT, Book D, Page 351
Yates, Person
Weakley County, TN, Record of Occupant Entry 1827-1833, No. 577, p. 87, (original p. 148):
JONATHAN BAKER claimed land that was then transferred to JOHN STALIONS, then to PERSONS YEATES, then to NELSON NAILING and others.
Henry County, TN, Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1855-1857 GRANTOR: YATES, PERSON (deed 75 acres), GRANTEE: JOHN / J. HICKS, Book M, Page 226
1831-1834 GRANTOR: YATES, PERSON (trust), GRANTEE JOHN COONEY, Book D, Page 301
1855-1857 GRANTOR: YATES, PERSON (deed 75 acres), GRANTEE: JOHN / J. HICKS, Book M, Page 226
1855-1857 GRANTOR: YATES, PERSON (deed 75 acres), GRANTEE: NATHANIEL EDWARDS, Book M, Page 227
1870-1872 GRANTOR: YATES, PERSON (17 40/160 acres), GRANTEE: SAMUEL F. MORROW, Book R, Page 159
Coveyed by Gideon Davis on the 25th Oct., 1849 recorded the 2nd Jan., 1857 at 3 o'clock pm.
State of Tennesse, Henry County, October 25th, 1849. Know all men by these presents that I GIDEON DAVIS have this day sold unto PERSON YATES a certain tract on parcel of land in the county of Henry and State of Tennessee in District no. 5 containing one hundred acres more or less on the waters of old taven creek, it being the tract of land on which ALEXANDER DAVIS now lives, for the consideration of the sum of three hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents to be paid as follows, fifty dollars to be paid 25th day of December, 1852, fifty dollars to be paid the 25th day of December, 1853, fifty dollars to be paid the 25th December 1854, and twelve dollars and fifty cents to be paid 25th December, 1855. Now I the said DAVIS both ___ my self my heirs administrators on Executions to make rents to the said YATES in good and lawful letter to the above named land when the last payment is made given under my hand and Seal this day and date above mentioned.
Yates, Thomas Jefferson
Henry County, TN Deed Index, Vol. A-12, 1822-1908, TN State Archives (reel #108):
1873-1878 Grantor: YATES, T. J. (22 acres), Grantee: F. M. YATES, Book T, Page 734
1893-1895 Grantor: YATES, T. J. & wife, Grantee: J. A. DAVIS, Book 3, Page 429