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Randolph, Edmund Sr.
Will written Oct. 8, 1643 and a codicil added Oct. 18, 1643 and proved July 25, 1654.
Randolph, Giles
Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850:
(This probate record was extracted from microfilmed copies of the original Will Book -
Norfolk County, VA:
“RICHD ALLISTON -- (Nuncupative) -- Norfolk County. Will Book --- p. 14. . . . The Deposition of GILES RANDOL Aged thirty-five years or thereabouts . . . being at the House of RICHD ALLISTON in the time of his Sickness whereof he died heard the sd . . . “Prove Date: 21 Feb 1723
Date: 24 Feb 1717
Norfolk County, VA:
Property: 10 pounds
“WM. BLANCH of Norfolk County, Book 10 f. 22, dated 24 Feb. 1717/8. proved 20 June 1718. . . . To my two daughters ANN and MARY one hundred acres of land to be Equally Devided between them ANN to have her first Choyce & if Either of them dyes in the . . . ”
Description: Brother/Executor
Book Date: 10-22
Prove Date: 20 Jun 1718
Date: 1 Sep 1724
Norfolk County, VA:
Property: Plantation and all land of the North side of West Run
“GILES RANDOLPH of Norfolk County, Original Will, dated 1 Sept. 1724. Proved 15 Jan. 1724, by Mary Halet, Thos. Cherry & Sarah Wilkins. . . . To my beloved Wife MARY RANDOLPH the plantation and Land I now Live on as far as the West Run During her na . . . ”
Description: Son/Testator
Prove Date: 15 Jan 1724
Date: 7 Sep 1750
Elizabeth Parish, Norfolk County, VA:
“GILES RANDOLPH of Norfolk County and Parish of Elizabeth in Virginia. Book I p. 210. Dated 7 Sep. 1750. Proved 18 Oct 1750. . . . to my Son THOMAS RANDOLPH the Plantation & Land whereon he now lives containing a hundred acres . . . . . . to my Son Ja . . . ”
Description: Testator/Executor/Son
Book Date: I-210
Prove Date: 18 Oct 1750
Randolph, William
From “The Wilford-Williford Family Treks into America” by Eurie Pearl Neel
Sale Bill of the Personal Estate of William Randolph Dec’d.
Sold on the 24th September, 1847.
J. E. THOMPSON – 1 large shotgun, 7.12 ½
ALLEN MCGEE – 1 small shotgun, 9.12 ½
B. WILFORD – 1 shot pouch, .87
MORGAN YOUNG – 2 candlesticks, .37
MRS. R. INGRAM – 1 candlestick, .62
WM. HUMPHRIES – 1 cup board, 7.75
BEN WILFORD – 1 clock, 6.75
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 desk, 3.00
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 large trunk, 6.75, 1 umbrella, .40
ROBERT HARPER – 1 lot books, .25
JN. EDWARDS – razors & box, 2.12
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 dish, 37 ½
B. WILFORD – 1 dish, .30
I. DABNEY – 2 vinegar cruets, .30
P. WHITNEY – 1 small trunk, 1.00
J. HUMPHRIES – 1 salt dish & 3 tumblers, .20
D. INGRAM – 1 padlock, .10, 1 box & 6 cakes soap, .12
B. WILFORD – 6 plates, .15
J. CAMERON – 1 shovel & tongs, .65
R. WILFORD – 1 C. brush, .30
WM. HUMPHRIES – 1 D. table, 2.96
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 pitcher, .65
P. WHITNEY – 2 baskets, .55
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 pitcher, .30, 3 bowls, .15, 1 dish, cups, saucers, .25
W. HUMPHRIES – 6 chairs, .90
ROBT. HARPER – 1 bucket, .20
W. HUMPHRIES – 1 bucket & piggin, .25
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 piggin, .12 ½, 2 piggins, .25, 1 wash tub, .40, 1 pr. fire dogs, .40, 1 skillet & lid, .50, 1 teakettle, .50, 1 butter pot, .05
U. BENNETT – 1 lot leather, 2.90
J. RANDOLPH – 1 saddle & blanket, 12.00
MOSES MALONE – 1 scythe & cradle, 1.00
URIAH BENNETT – 1 hand saw, 1.00
A. MCGEE – 1 drawing knife, hammer & square, 1.00
W. TRAVIS – 2 axes, .30
J. REDD – ½ bushel measure, .37 ½ cents
M. MALONE – steelyards, 2.00
T. W. HAMMOND – 1 log chain & old irons, 1.12 ½
W. TRAVIS – 2 augurs, .50
D. INGRAM – 1 blowing horn, .15
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 5 barrels, .80, 2 skillets & hooks, .65
JN. CAMERON – X cut saw, 2.00
T. W. HAMMOND – 1 large pot, 1.00
U. BENNETT – 1 oven & lid, .80
W. TRAVIS – 1 kettle, 1.00
J. W. STEINBAUGH – 2 tilling hoes, .70
T. W. HAMMOND – 1 mattock & grub hoe, .75
CHAS. HUMPHRIES – 1 pr. harness & g. iron, .50
J. CAMERON – 1 ? & rod, .30
J. CAMERON – 1 flat plough, 2.05
JN. EDWARDS – scalding tub & plow, 2.60
J. S. P. (?) – 1 bbl. Salt, .12 ½
D. INGRAM – 2 fishing poles, 2.35
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 1 (?), 15.25
WM. RANDOLPH – 1 bee hive, 1.00
C. WIMBERLY – 5 hogs, 16.25
F. YOUNG – 5 hogs, 13.25
F. YOUNG – 5 hogs, 11.60
W. W. BURNETT – 5 hogs, 8.20
S. REDD – 5 hogs, 6.40, 5 hogs, 6.05
C. HUMPHRIES – 1 lot rubbish, .70
G. P. DANIEL – 1 bay mare, 11.00
G. P. DANIEL – 1 gray horse, 18.00
W. TRAVIS – 1 cow, 10.00
G. R. SAVILLS – 1 red ox, 10.25
J. J. CANNON, JR. – 1 white & red ox, 11.50
A. (ALEXANDER) RANDOLPH – 1 red heifer, 4.00
W. MALONE – 1 white & red heifer, 5.55
THOMAS HENDRICKS – 1 white & red heifer, 2.15
THOMAS HENDRICKS – 1 white & red heifer, 2.25
J. J. CANNON, JR. – 1 bull, red, 12.50
JESSE CAMERON – 1 oak stack, 2.00
WM. N. RANDOLPH – 4 hogs, 1 sow, 7 pigs, 8.25
Total $266.75
An additional sale of the personal estate of Wm. Randolph, dec’d., sold on the 13th Jan., 1848, Trigg Co., KY:
A. RANDOLPH – 10 bbls. Corn, 11.00, 10 bbls. Corn, 11.25
JESSE CAMERON – 10 bbls. Corn, 10.25
D. LANDERS - 10 bbls. Corn, 10.25
JESSE CAMERON – 10 bbls. Corn, 10.25
JESSE CAMERON – 10 bbls. Corn, 10.25
F. S. REDD – corn, 6.72
THOS. HENDRICKS – 1 ox cart, 14.75
JN. RAY – 1 stack fodder, 1.33
W. S. HUMPHRIES – 1 stack fodder, 1.00
J. RAY – 1 stack fodder, 1.84
W. S. HUMPHRIES – 1 stack fodder, 1.01
ELIZA WILFORD (ADA ELIZA RANDOLPH) – 1 stack fodder, 1.90
Total $358.56
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct account of the sales of the personal estate of WILLIAM RANDOlph, dec’d., so far as the same has come to my hand, 13th January, 1841.
I, JAMES THOMPSON, clerk of the County Court of Trigg Co., do certify that the foregoing account has been examined, etc. and dully recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 10th day of May, July, 1848. J. E. THOMPSON, C.T.C.C.
Rodery, Benjamin
Dated 24 March, 1829, Maury Co., TN
Will book F, page 156
Benjamin Rodery
Last Will
80.62p Paid
Record Book
____ 156
by C. E. _______
In the Name of God Amen. I BENJAMIN RODERY being weak of body but of sound mind and memory blessed be God for the same, I do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows (to wit) after paying all my just debt.
Item 1} I give and bequeath to my beloved wife WINNEFRED RODERY for ever or to dispose of in her life time, or at her death as she may think proper for her own benefit, and also for the benefit of my children, the following property (to wit). Three mares named Snuf, Harris and Kate. Three cows named Pretty and her calf, Spot and Rowe. Seven head of hogs. Two choice feather beds, bedsteads and their furniture. One dozen choice chairs. One choice table. One sugar chest. Two trunks. One wagon and four pair of gears and one log chain. Six bureshare ploughs and other implements belonging to them. Four hoes. Three falling axes, and one broad ax. One pair of steelyards. One shot gun, and my watch. And all my plantation too, and all my house hold and Kitchen furniture, not named by me hereafter, and all my corn and bacon that I now have for the support of my wife and family. I also put into the hands of my wife the sum of three hundred dollars, for the purpose of buying a small tract of Land, which land when purchased shall properly and positively be occupied by my beloved wife and my children, that may continue with her so long as she may live, after her death, the land to be sold and the amount thereof to be equally divided amongst the following children, CALVIN B. RODERY, SARAH P. RODERY, WASHINGTON B. RODERY, NANCY RODERY, ELIZABETH RODERY, JAMES RODERY, LUCY RODERY AND BENJAMIN RODERY.
Item 2} I have heretofore given to my daughter NORRY OLIVER, one father bed stead, and its furniture, one cow yearling, one chest, and table, I now give unto her ten dollars more, for her equal portion.
Item 3} I have heretofore given to my son CALVIN B. RODERY one horse called Tally, one cow yearling, I now give him, one feather bed stead, and its furniture, One falling ax, one plough and a pair of gears, and ten dollars, his portion.
Item 4} I give and bequeath to my daughter SARAH P. RODERY, One feather bed stead and its furniture, including one stand of curtains, one chest and five dollars, her portion.
5th Item} I give and bequeath to my son WASHINGTON B. RODERY, one horse called Charley, One feather bed stead and its furniture one cow yearling one ax, one plough and a pair of gears.
6th Item} I give and bequeath to my daughter NANCY RODERY, One feather bed stead and its furniture, including one stand of curtains, one chest, and five dollars, her portion.
7th Item} I give and bequeath to my daughter ELIZABETH RODERY One feather bed stead, and furniture, including one stand of curtains, one chest and five dollars, her portion.
8th Item} I give and bequeath to my son JAMES RODERY, One feather bed stead, and its furniture, my saddle, and when he becomes of lawful, then he is to have a horse, one cow yearling and ax, one plough and gears of equal value with my above named sons to be at my wife's disposal out of the estate in her hands.
9th Item} I give and bequeath to my daughter LUCY RODERY, One feather bed stead, and its furniture, including one stand of curtains, one chest and five dollars her portion.
10th Item} I give and bequeath to my son BENJAMIN RODERY, One feather bed stead, and its furniture, One horse and saddle, one cow yearling, One ax, One plough and gears, when he becomes of lawful age, to be of equal value with my other son's portions, to be at my wife's disposal out of the estate in her hands.
11th Item} I give and authorize my beloved wife to take in her possession all the money I have that is not named above, and all the different pieces of my estate not given away either by word or will and she is hereby authorized to make sale of what she can spare, and appropriate the amount of such money to her own benefit and for the benefit of my children, in any way she may think most advantageous for their welfare and in__uction and prosperity.
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my worthy friend last will and testament my whole and sole executor to this my last will and testament, hereby disannulling and revoking all other wills heretofore made by me either by word or in writing confirming and ratifying this to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 24th day March 1829 in the presence of me.
Benjamin Rodery
87 p Paid
Record Book
Page __57
An Inventory of the estate of BENJAMIN RODERY Dec
taken the 23d day of April 1829 as follows (to wit)
Money counted in specie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = $395
Money counted in Bank bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 35
Amount of notes in hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 102.25
But of which 7 dollars 50 cts. doubted insolvent
Amount in ______, and all doubted or insolvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.41 ¾
6 Head of horses, counting colts in
14 Head of cattle counting calves in
14 Head of hogs counting seven pigs
7 Head of sheep no lambs counted
10 Feather beds and some without good steads and some none
3 tables, 4 chests, 2 trunks, and 1 sugar chest
16 chairs, 1 kitchen table, 2 pair of ____ irons
2 shovels, 1 pair of tongs, 2 flatirons, 1 pair of steelyards
1 shot gun, 1 watch, 1 slate, 4 candle sticks, __ lantern
1 course cupboard, __dishes, 2 dozen earthen ____
3 basins, ½ dozen large spoons, 10 Tea spoons
5 pitchers, 2 tin buckets, 3 jugs, 6 ___, 1 dozen cups and saucers
1 decanter, 10 bottles, 13 ___ tumblers, 2 bowls
2 waiters one of which is large the other small
1 coffee mill, 1 tin coffee box, 1 pepper canister
1 sugar dish, 1 salt cellar, 1 pepper box
1 dozen knives, 1 dozen forks, and a tin knife box
1 coffee pot, 1 Tea pot, 2 pair candle snuffers
1 candle mould molding 3 candles at once
13 vials, 1 looking glass, one small bible with a hymn book
and a few other books, 2 umbrellas
2 sticks of leather, one of upper and the other sole,
and some at Helm's tan yard unknown quantity
5 pots, 2 of which is large the other 3 small
1Brafs kettle, 1 coffee kettle, 1 frying pan
1 waffle iron, 2 ovens with lids, 2 skillets
2 washing tubs, 2 water pails, 4 figgins
2 wash noggins, one meal sieve, 2 bread trays, or troughs
1 loom and gears, 2 cotton wheels, 2 pair of cards
1 wagon and gears, 4 ploughs, swingltrees ___
2 weeding hoes, 1 grubbing hoe, 2 spades, 1 log chain
2 iron wedges and some bench and carpenter tools
and some shoe tools, 26 head of geese, 1 turkey
barn supposed 50 barrels, bacon supposed 800 lbs.
3 women's saddles, 2 men's saddles, 3 bridles
and a parcel of barrels, and some fat tubs
1 tar barrel with some tar in it quantity unknown
2 soap hooks, 2 half bushels, 1 potrack, 1 heed hoe
1 clock reel, 1 pair saddle bags, 1 pair wool shears
1 barrel with some vinegar quantity unknown
a firm inventory of B. RODERY
given under my hand
25 April 1829
Shaw, John B. (daughter was Ali Shaw)
From the book "Brasfield-Brassfield Genealogies" by Annabelle C. McAllister and Edward N. McAllister, 1959, page 105:
ALI SHAW was the daughter of JOHN B. SHAW and was mentioned in his will of Sept. 16, 1815, Wake Co., N.C.; JOHN ROGERS witnessed. Marriage Bond of AILLEY BRASFIELD and MATHEW LYNN, dated Dec. 31, 1822 (bondsman PEYTON HIGH; witness B.S. KING), Wake Co., N.C., indicates she remarried after Major's death.
Stith, Maj. John
From the book "Malone and Allied Families"
Charles City County Wills & Deeds 1689-1694, page 185-187
Dated November 13, 1690, Codicil added October 3, 1693, Proved April 3, 1694:
I, JOHN STITH, SEN'R, of the parish of Westover, in Charles Citty County, in Virgina, Gent, being well in body . . . I give and bequeath to my oldest son JOHN STITH all the land, houseing & appurtennances thereunto belonging whereon I now live alsoe my --- mill by me lately built . . . excepting all that tract: or parcell of land that is mine lying on the northside of the eastern branch on Herin Creek, which with the houses & all & every the appurtenances therwith belonging I give my son DRURY STITH & to his heyrs forever. I give & bequeath to my Daughter JANE, the now wife of CAPT. DANIEL LLUELLIN the sum of 5 punds sterling . I give & bequeath to my ANN, the now wife of MR. ROBERT BOLLING, the sum of 10 pounds sterling . . . I give & bequeath to my Daughter AGNES, the now wife of MR. THOMAS WYNN, the sum of 15 pounds sterling, in full that she may or can claime as a child's part in mine estate. After debts & legacies paid, I give the remainder of my personall estate to be equally divided between my loveing wife JANE STITH & my sd two sonns John & DRURY STITH. And my will is that my son DRURY shall take his share in my estate out of those goods & chattells being at the plantcon before to him bequeathed as far as the same shall amount. I doe hereby make & ordain my sd wife JANE & my sd two sons JOHN & DRURY STITH joynt executors of this my last will & testament. Lastly, I give to my loveing friend HUGH DAVIS 20 shillings sterling to buy him a ring. HUGH DAVIS to compose any differences which might arise in settlement of will. Codicil: DRURY has already received his third share after his marriage, and therefore remaining part of estate to be divided between JANE and JOHN.
Tarver, Samuel II
Signed 23 May 1778, Probated December Court
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 1, 1759-1792, Page 315-16:
to my son JOHN TARVER 180 acres joining JOHN SHORT and BENJAMIN TARVER
to my son SAMUEL TARVER 300 acres on Occoneechy swamp, 1 negro girl and sd SAMUEL to pay the sum of 20 pounds which money is to be equally divided amongst all my children
to son BENJAMIN TARVER the manor plantation containing 200 acres, 1 negro girl
to my Dear well beloved wife MARY TARVER during her widowhood or lifetime all my Cattle, horses, furniture etc. and at her decease sd. property to be equally divided among all my children.
Wadlington, Ferdinand
Will made in Trigg County, KY in 1827.
Wilson, William M.
Book B
Calloway County, KY:
I, WILLIAM M. WILSON, of the County of Calloway and State of Kentucky living in a low state of health, but sound of mind and disposing memory (for which I thank God) and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life, and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it hath please God to help me with. I gave and bequeath the same in manner following:
That is to say . . .
1st I desire a sufficiency of my personable property to be sold immediately after my death to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses.
2ndly after the payment of my just debts and funeral expenses, I give unto my beloved wife, ZILPHY WILSON all my lands and the appertainance thereunto belonging, during her natural life or widow hood and at her death to be sold and divided equally amongst my lawful heirs, and in case she shall marry again the land to be sold and divided as above.
3rdly I give unto my eldest son JOHN A. WILSON, one bay filly and saddle.
4thly I give unto my son THOMAS C. WILSON, one gray horse colt, known as the colt of my sorrel mare, also a saddle at the age of twenty one years, to be worth sixteen dollars.
5thly I give unto my son LEONIDUS E. WILSON, one gray horse colt and saddle at the age of twenty one years, worth sixteen dollars.
6thly I give unto my son ULYSES L. WILSON, one bay horse colt also a saddle at the age of twenty one years, worth sixteen dollars.
7thly I give unto my daughters, SARAH J., ATHELIA ANN and LOUISA L. I. WILSON, one feather bed and furniture each to be delivered to them at the age of twenty one years, provided however that all or any of them shall marry prior to that age, they shall then be entitled to receive their bed and furniture.
The balance of my perishable property which is not mentioned in this will, I desire to remain on the plantation for the use and benefit of the family. And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my son, John A. Wilson, and my wife, Zilphy Wilson, executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 9th day of November, 1841.
Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for the last will and testament of the above named William M. Wilson, in the presence of us:
I, EDMUND W. CURD, Clerk of the Calloway County court do certify that at a county court began and held for said county at the courthouse in Waidsboro on Monday the 27th day of June 1842, the foregoing last will and testament of WILLIAM M. WILSON, deceased, was exhibited in open court and examined and approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded. In testimony of which the same together with the foregoing certificate stands truly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 5th day of July, 1842.
Wynne, Peter
In the Name of God, Amen. I, PETER WYNNE of the parish of St Margaretts in the citie of Canterburie doo this one and twentieth of May anno dom. 1638 make my last will and testament in manner and form following: First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my heavenly? father and redeemer, and my bodie is to be buried in the Church of St. Georges in the said cittie of Canterburie, so near unto my late and deceased father and mother as convenient as may be. Item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of the parish where it shall please God to bear me out of this world the sum of tenn shillings to bee distributed according to the disposition of MARTHA my loving Wife whom I do ordain to be my full and sole executrix of this my last will & testament. And for those worldly goods which God of his infinite mercies hath bestowed upon me, I dispose of them as following:
Imprimis:I give and bequeath unto ROBERT WYNNE my sonne one cofer with corners tipped and footed with silver and my seal ring I doo usually wear on my finger, all the silver platters as marked in his own name, namely RW and my pocket watch. All other of my goods, wattels, chattels, goblets, silver plate, all my readie money I give and bequeath unto MARTHA WYNNE, my loving wife aforesaid. This is the last will and testament of me the said PETER WYNN made and declared the daie and year above written touching and concerning all my houses,lands,tenaments and hereditaments whatsoever: First I will and and bequeath unto the said MARTHA WYNNE my loving wife all my houses lands, tenaments, and hereditaments whatsoever and also all my leases and terms of years therein only for and during her natural life. And after her decease I give and bequeath the said houses, lands, tenaments and and also all my leases and terms of years therein then to come unto ROBERT WYNNE my sonne and to his heirs forever. I would always that if ROBERT WYNNE my sonne doo dye without heirs of his bodie lawfully begotten and that MARTHA my wife have no other child by me begotten, then I give and bequeath unto CHRISTOPHER MAY sonne of PAUL MAY, late of the cittie of Canterbury, deceased two small messuages or tenaments situated and being in the parish of St. Georges aforesaid in a lane called Dover lane, and are now in the occupation of RAWLINS a ropemaker and his sonne RAWLINS, or of their atty, to him the said CHRISTOPHER and to his heires forever. Also I give and bequeath unto ELIZABETH MAY one other of the children of the said PAUL MAY one other messuage or tenaments being an oatmeal mill, and other the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in the aforesaid lane, and is now in the occupation of ARNOLD POPEJOY or of his atty. for the said ELIZABETH and to her heires forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my sister ANNE wife of ROGER PEY of the cittie of London two messuages or tenements situated and being in Stower the parish of St. Mildred? in cittie of Canterburie and also one other messuage and or tenemant with a barn, orchard and lands thereunto belonging situate, lying or being in the parish of Hernebitt? in the Countie of Kent to her and her heires forever. Earlier I wrote that if my said sonne ROBERT dye without heirs of his bodie lawfully begotten, then I will and bequeath unto my said wife MARTHA and to her heirs forever my messuages and tenaments and lands thereunto belonging together with the leases of the ground Whereon is built a barne, and all other the appurtenances thereunto belonging. situated and being in the parish of Whitestaple att a place called Lymbot Banckes now in the occupation of WALTER RICE of his atty further my will and meaning is that if the said two children of PAUL MAY shall fortune to enjoy their--legacies before in this my will to them given that then they shall pay out of their said legacies or houses aforementioned unto my said sister PEY? or her atty. the full sum of tenn pounds toward her maintenance in manner following this is to say that the aforesaid CHRISTOPHER MAY shall pay for his share four pounds of the said tenn pounds, and that aforesaid ELIZABETH MAY shall for her part pay six pounds of the said tenn pounds within months -- after such time as they shall--- enjoy their legacies aforesaid but if the said CHRISTOPHER and ELIZABETH MAY or either of them shall neglect or refuse to pay the tenn pounds above mentioned to my said sister ANN in manner and forms abovescribed, that then it shall be lawful for my said sister or her atty to enter into the said houses of both or any of them and to possess, hold and enjoy them or any of them to her or themselves until such time as the aforesaid tenn pounds be fully satisfied and paid as above said, for revoking all former wills and in testimonie that this is my last will and testament I have sett my hand & seal the day and year above written.
Sealed, ratified and confirmed
in the presence of
---- ----
Wynne, Robert (Mayor of Canterbury, England in 1599. He and his wife Frances Wattmer died of the plague)
History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent", vol. 12 (1801), by Edward Hasted, Pages 603-611
as seen on British History Online at:
This is the last will and Testament a nuncupative of ROBERT WYNNE late of the parish of St. Mary Bredman in the City of Canterbury, Alderman deceased by him uttered and declared for his last will and testament he being in good and perfect memory on the fourth day of ye month of September 1609 in these words following or the like in effort viz the said ROBERT WYNNE being moved to make his will he said his will was quickly made for he did give and bequeath to FRANCES his wife the one half of his goods and chattels and the other halfe of his good and chattels he did give & bequeath to his children and he did move and appoint FRANCES his wife to be Executrix of his will & he named WILLIAM WATTMER his brother to be his overseer and the said ROBERT WYNNE further willed that FRANCES his wife should pay to SARA EFFIELD her legacy given her in ye will of CHRISTOPHER EFFIELD her father deceased of whom the said ROBERT WYNNE was Executor. He should leave enough behind him to discharge the same. Witnesses present at the uttering of the promises by the said Testator ROBERT WYNNE for his last will and testament. JOSEPH COLEGE, MR. JAMES BISSELL, CLERK, LEONARD ASHENDON AND OTHERS. S/ JAMES BISSELL, LEONARD ASHENDON. PROBATUM: (Proved) 5 Dec 1609 by witness JOHN FISH, Executor JAMES BISSELL & Supervisor WILLIAM WATMER. (Canterbury Wills, Comistory Court of Canterbury, Vol. 41 folio 4, FHL Film 188854)
Wynne, Col. Robert
From the book "Malone and Allied Families", page 785
Abstract of The Will of Col. Robert Wynne
Probated in England - 15 Aug., 1678:
ROBERT WYNN of Jordan's Parish of Charles City County, in Virginia. Dated 1 July, 1675. To be buried in Jordan's Church as near as possible to my son ROBERT. My estate in England as follows: To my eldest son THOMAS WYNNE one farm in White Staple Parish in Kent near Canterbury, and commonly called Linebett Banckes; if he dies, to my son JOSHUA, and if he dies, to my daughter WODLIEF (MARY WYNNE WODLIEF). To my son THOMAS two houses in Canterbury in St. Mildreds' Parish in the same form as the said farm. To my youngest son JOSHUA WYNNE one house and oatemeale mill lying in Dover Lane without St. Georges in Canterbury, commonly called the Lilly Pott, and two houses adjoining where a ropemaker and one Rawlins were formerly tenants. Touching my estate in Virginia, to my son THOMAS all the cattle of his own mark except one cow called Moll which is to be killed for provisions; to my son JOSHUA my plantation called Georges withal the tobacco houses; to my daughter WODLIEF, one servant of fewer years to serve the next shipping after my decease; to my grandchild and godson young GEORGE WODLIEF one filly foal. All the rest of my estate in Virginia and England to my wife and executrix MARY WYNNE. Overseers: THOMAS GRENDOU, Merchant, and my son-in-law (step-son) CAPT. FRANCIS POYTHRESS. Witnesses: THO. BROME, JNO BURGE.
Wynne, Maj. Robert (His wife was Martha Jefferson. Martha’s nephew was President Thomas Jefferson)
From "Virginia Historical Genealogies", by John Bennett Boddie, Pacific Coast Publishers, Redwood City, California, 1954 (as found on Google Books), page 177:
“He died in Sussex July 23, 1754 (Register) and his will was probated August 12, 1754. He mentioned wife, MARY; granddaughter MARY BUTLER; grandson, JOEL TUCKER; son in law, WILLIAM RAINES and ANGELICA, his wife; son in law JEFFERSON RAINES; granddaughter, ELIZABETH PARHAM; grandson, ROBERT PARHAM; brother, THOMAS WYNNE; granddaughter, MARTHA BELL; (sic) and daughter, CORNELIA RAINES."
Wynne, Capt. Thomas
Surry County, VA Deeds, Wills, Etc. 1715-1730
Part 1, page 117, (LDS Family History Library Film 34102):
In the name of God Amen I THOMAS WYNN being very Sick and weak but of Sound and perfect mind & memory praised be God Doe make and ordain this to be my Last Will & Testament making void and Revoking all other Wills heretofore made or Nominated.
Item I give and bequeath my Soul unto the hands of the Almighty God that gave to me in hopes of Eternal Joy & Happiness and my body to the ground to be Decently buried after the Discretion of my Exo or Exos hereafter nominated.
Item My Desire is that my Debts should be paid out of my Estate by selling my Negro named Jack and the Plantation that I now live on and also a Tract of land lying on the South Side of Nottoway River the place being called the Cabin Sticks.
Item I give & bequeath to my Son THOS WYNN a Certain ----of land lying on the North Side of Stoney Creek of about Two Hundred Acres and also a bay horse and a Gunn.
Item I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter LEWCRESY WYNN one heifer of about Five years old.
Item I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter MARTHA WYNN one heifer of about two years old.
Item I give and bequeath to my Loving wife AGNES one Negro named Will, her life time or her widowhood and then the Negro Man to Return as the rest of the estate and also a Sorrell horse branded with GB a gold ring & feather bed and furniture.
Item I give and bequeath to my son ROBERT WYNNE one gold ring with a Seal on the ring.
Item I give and bequeath the rest of my estate of what nature or quantity (forever) to be Equally Divided amonst my children making my son ROBERT WYNN my whole & sole Exer. of this my Last Will & Testament. Witnesseth my hand & seal this Eighteen Day of February Dom 1714.
THOMAS WYNN (Seal in Red Wax)
Signed Sealed & Delivered
In the presence & Sight of
(The will was presented in Court at Southwark by RICHARD BLAND administrator on 21 May 1718)